Tuesday, December 24, 2013

where to find iron when vegetarian

Here is a list of food items containing iron in good amounts , especially important for vegetarian people:

molasses, kelp, brewer's yeast,

wheat germ,

almonds, cashews, Brazil nuts, pumpkin s., squash seeds, sunflower s.,

millet, lentils,

parsley, green leafy veggies,

quinoa, oats, amaranth,

natto, miso, soybeans



Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Why Naturopathy?

Naturopathy philosophy is centered in helping the body heal itself in the least invasive, most fundamentally curative manner possible. It is a RATIONAL blend of vitalistic and mechanistic principles working with the whole person and educating the patient in the ways of health.
Present Naturopathy is based on solid criteria and supported by appropriate evidence, keeping pace with modern research and development.
The patient does the curing and the naturopathic physician works to :
- Arrest destruction and degeneration of cells and tissues
- Restore and maintain normal functions
- Diagnose and treat the cause not the symptoms
- Cause little or no side effects to the patient or the the environment
- Assist the body in its natural healing process 
- Assist the patient in establishing a healthy life-style

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

fats: are they good or bad?

Which  fats are necessary, which harmful?

Ask to see the informative slide show

diet influencing mood?

Diet and the choice of what we eat influence our mood and behaviour. Selecting the right food to be happier and healthier.

Seminars on health held by Silvia

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

news on massage

A study on massage and back pain conducted at the Touch Research Institute at the University of Miami in 2001 found that: “Massage lessened lower back pain, depression and anxiety, and improved sleep. The massage therapy group also showed improved range of motion and their serotonin and dopamine levels were higher.” (International Journal of Neuroscience, 106, 131-145.) 


Sunday, May 29, 2011


Lomilomi or Hawaiian massage is an ancient form of massage passed down from generation to generation among the Polynesians of Hawaii. For traditional healers who practice it, Lomi Lomi is touch in the spirit of "aloha" (respect, care) that connects the body, heart and soul to the source of life.

It is a massage performed with virgin coconut oil applied to different parts of the body with long, soft and deep movements of the hands and arms, which resemble the movement of the waves.