Showing posts with label naturopathy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label naturopathy. Show all posts

Sunday, April 13, 2014

What is Natural Medicine?

Health is not a simple state, so “To be well one has to be well in thousands of ways at once” (Sir Russell Brian). 
This because the body-mind is an extremely complex system functioning in a continuous state of change, aiming to a dynamic physiological equilibrium or homeostasis. All parts of the individual are interconnected through the circulatory, nervous, endocrine and immune systems. Modern medicine as well accepts this vision and approaches it through the application of recent disciplines like neuroendocrinology, psychoendocrinology and psychoneuroimmunology.

The dynamic equilibrium of health depends on the integration of structural (physical), biochemical and emotional functions. Physical instability as muscle contractions, joint misalignments, postural disturbances interfere with health by limiting proper nerve conduction and blood and lymph circulation, consequently impairing the nutrition to the different organs. Biochemical integrity is insured by proper nutrition, which is essential for the right flow of biochemical reactions at the base of the body-mind functioning. Emotional balance is in control of human health by influence on mental, endocrine and immunological functions.

Treatment is aimed at the cause of disequilibrium and the patient is treated and not the disease. The patient is viewed as a whole person with specific and interdependent physical, mental, emotional and social aspects. When the physiological equilibrium is disturbed by external or internal forces, disease results. Natural medicine strengthens the body’s defenses and supports the physiological functions against such disturbances through the use of dietary adjustments, medicinal herbs, physical exercises, breathing, life-style changes, meditative practices, hydrotherapy, physical manipulation, counselling, social and cultural changes….

Natural medicine is a philosophical orientation towards health which employs different healing methods to aid a person’s own internal regulatory processes or homeostasis. It is aimed at the promotion of health and the prevention of disease and at the support to the body-mind in the natural healing efforts.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Why Naturopathy?

Naturopathy philosophy is centered in helping the body heal itself in the least invasive, most fundamentally curative manner possible. It is a RATIONAL blend of vitalistic and mechanistic principles working with the whole person and educating the patient in the ways of health.
Present Naturopathy is based on solid criteria and supported by appropriate evidence, keeping pace with modern research and development.
The patient does the curing and the naturopathic physician works to :
- Arrest destruction and degeneration of cells and tissues
- Restore and maintain normal functions
- Diagnose and treat the cause not the symptoms
- Cause little or no side effects to the patient or the the environment
- Assist the body in its natural healing process 
- Assist the patient in establishing a healthy life-style