Showing posts with label physical therapies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label physical therapies. Show all posts

Sunday, March 30, 2014

From aerial yoga to aerial treatments

This image presents an example of how one can smooth muscular tensions and physical and mental stesses with the help of a soft material and of Gravity.

Aerial yoga helps the body with compressions and decompressions on all body parts, from legs to arms to the trunk, ameliorating in this way the lymphatic and blood circulation. Furthermore it brings to the relaxation of tensed body parts thanks to the work of gravity on the suspended body. Aerial yoga is very effective on backaches and scaitica issues since it allows the back to freely adn gently stretch under the effct of gravity. Aerail yoga helps also increase flexibilty and strength: it strengthens the core of the body, working on abs and dorsal muscles, strenghtens the arms that lift the body with the help of the 'silk', as well as the legs which are in constant contration to control the balance.